The majority of people invest more time designing a two-week vacation than designing their lives. But without a map, we coast through life feeling lost and directionless.
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Find Clarity, Master Life, and Do Your Purpose Every Day.
According to Swiss psychologist Carl Jung, "The most damaging thing in the life of a child is the unlived life of the parent." It doesn’t have to be like this. Find your way by discovering your why.

Don't live another day without knowing your purpose.
Most people merely exist. They're already dead—they just haven't made it official. It's time to break the mold. Create a life worth living defined by purpose and passion.

If you want to go higher, you must first go deeper!
Say yes to the people and events that matter most and no to those that don’t. Take back control of your calendar and experience margin. Start loving your life once again.
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About the Author: Kary Oberbrunner is an author, coach, and speaker who helps individuals and organizations clarify who they are, why they're here, and where they're going so they can become souls on fire, experience unhackability, and share their message with the world. In the past twenty years, he’s ignited over one million people with his content. He lives in Ohio with his wife, Kelly, and three children.
About the Book: In this updated and expanded edition of The Deeper Path, Kary shares the same steps his friend Chet Scott of Build to Lead shared with him. This powerful process helped kary author his OPUS and become a master in the art of living.
Masters in the art of living draw no sharp distinction between their work and play, labor and leisure, mind and body, education and recreation. They hardly know which is which. They simply
pursue their vision of excellence through whatever they are doing, and leave others to determine whether they are working or playing. To themselves, they always appear to be doing both.
— L. P. Jacks
You too have a deeper path to discover. My friend, Kary will serve as your guide, but only for a while. There comes a point in all our journeys where we must go it alone. Take comfort in knowing this is part and parcel of the deeper path of discovery. Don’t be afraid. Keep taking the baby steps forward. Keep moving through. It’s what Kary and I are still doing. You can do it too.
Chet Scott, founder of Built to Lead
When I read The Deeper Path I was at a crossroads in my career. I felt conflicted and confused. This book provided me with clarity for my true passion and taught me how my pain was actually the path to my future! I now have a thriving business doing work that doesn’t feel like work.
Chris Borja, founder of Become a Better Networker
Kary says, “By choosing not to decide, we are actually choosing to stay exactly where we are.” He has a way of exposing my layers of protection. Not the good layers—the bad, the ones that hold me back from my potential. Before going through The Deeper Path, I knew I was a master of disguise, I just didn’t know WHY. Now I do. I’ve removed my masks, and I’ve never been more free.
Teresa Alesch, Author, Coach, Speaker
I was stuck. I had a message inside of me that I knew would help others. But, I didn’t understand how to present it and worst of all, I had this self-limiting belief I wasn’t competent enough and others wouldn’t listen. Kary and The Deeper Path helped me to fully understand my message, clarify it, and gave me the confidence to present it to others. Now when I talk with people who tell me they are stuck, I give them a copy of The Deeper Path and tell them, “This helped me, I know it will help you.”
Mike Clevenger, founder of Think Outside the Blah
The Deeper Path changed my thinking. It showed me that by numbing my pain I was also numbing my potential. The Deeper Path process helped me author my OPUS and be audacious about it. Fear no longer holds me hostage. I am a changed life!
Bamidele Adenipekun, Author and Speaker
The Deeper Path changed my life. It helped to answer a fundamental question—that is why am I here? After going through this carefully crafted program, I know my cause, my space and my tribe. The Deeper Path will give you the keys to open up a whole new world of opportunities and possibilities. Thank you, Kary, for showing us the way.
Martyn Wood, Deeper Path Coaching